
$Omara Coin is not just another cryptocurrency; it's a revolution in the world of digital assets. Designed with humor and community in mind, $Omara brings together the best of blockchain technology. Be among the first to join $OMA revolution and reap the rewards. $Omara Coin ensures transparency and security in every transaction. With immutable records and robust security measures, users can trust $Omara for their financial needs.


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Contract Address:



Token Name: Omara

Token Symbol: OMA

$Omara has a total supply of 1,000,000,000 $OMA tokens. Our tokenomics include:

Initial Distribution - 70%
Liquidity - 10%
Development & Marketing - 10%
Team & Advisors - 10%


Quarter Milestones
Q3 2024 Token Launch and Initial Listings
  • Token Launch
  • Exchange Listings
  • Liquidity Pool Creation
  • Airdrop and Bounty Programs
Q4 2024 Feature Enhancements and User Growth
  • Advanced Reward System
  • Mobile App Development
  • Educational Content
  • Global Marketing Campaign
Q1 2025 NFT Integration and Expanded Use Cases
  • NFT Marketplace
  • Staking and Yield Farming
  • Charity Initiatives
  • Merchant Integration
Ongoing Community and Ecosystem Growth
  • Regular Updates and Communication
  • Community Events and Competitions
  • Transparent Governance
  • Global Outreach